Smart Home ET description DOWNLOAD
To be able to monitor, to manage, to program in real time all exit/entry of own home, it's possible to make an
WiFi network architecture 802.11B/G/N, at 2.4 GHz. The network topology in a network system, it's characterized by 3 main modules:
Central Host installed on an industrial raspberry card, consisting of a client side and a server;
Board DOMO 8/8 o Board DOMO 4/0
Through that infrastructure it's possible:
- send ON/OFF controls, to switch Relays in real-time or in certain programmed time bands;
- the dimming of each lamp;
- verify the state of the whole system;
- create and set their own scenarios.
Central Host
The central host, is characterized by a server side and a client, the first skilled in processing, the second useful for the parameters setting.
The server side coincides with the core of the whole system, it allows:
the association of any input(button, alarm, Dimming, etc.) to any timed output and not (shades, lights, etc.).
the sending alert, emails to the mail addresses entered in the notification area;
Interconnection with boards in the system
The Client allows:
the monitoring and setting of any output/scenary:
the adding or removing of a board and its associable elements.
the luminous flux setting for dimmerable lamps in real-time or in time bands through charts;
turning off or switching on of an output;
the setting of a pre-configured scenary
the cameras displaying if avable;
the music playback on Spotify.
The Client side is just a web application, that is to say that having the appropriate credentials it's possible to access it from anywhere in the world, anytime and with any device (smartphone, tablet, pc).
DOMO Board
The installable Boards in this system are:
DOMO 4/0;
DOMO 8/8 T.
DOMO Board 4/0
The Domo 4/0 small and versatile, plugin to 12VDC, allows up to 4 digital inputs and the piloting of a 0/10VDC dimmed light according to the commands received in WiFi, it's possible to install it in a cockpit 503. It has two DipSwitch counters for ID setting and configuration parameters.
It's put in black PMMA box of 8.5X5.5X2 cm or similar.
DOMO Board 8/8
The Domo 8/8, plugin to 12VDC, allows up to 8 digital inputs, the piloting of a dimmed light according to the commands received in WiFi and the implementation of 8 16A outputs Relay. It has two DipSwitch counters for ID setting and configuration parameters. It's possible to install a temperature sensor and a TA.
It's put in 8 DIN modules box.